Monday, March 21, 2016

I was also curious about how the Republican Party might respond to Donald Trump steamrolling his way through the party. I thought by now the other candidates might come together like the Avengers and rally together against him. One scenario that seemed to me pretty likely now that Rubio has dropped out is that he and Cruz could form an alliance, especially since "Cruz and Rubio have similar conservative voting records in the Senate."[1] Maybe if they worked together they could unify their voters According to a Politico article, "Erick Erickson... said he thought it would be “very effective in stopping Trump.” 2

It seems like the chances of that happening are not great though. A seemingly possible scenario is Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz joining forces but so far Rubio seems reluctant to do so. Ted Cruz is at least interested in a unity ticket, even taking preliminary polls about their chances.  While it is still possible that Rubio might at least endorse Cruz, he is pretty adamant that he doesn't want a unity ticket. Although, at least some politicians think it could be an effective strategy. Doug Deason said, “If he (Rubio) had signed on before the first Super Tuesday, Cruz would have won all of the Texas votes and a lot more delegates. They may have very well won Florida.”2 Rubio seems to have had too much confidence in himself though. Since Rubio said, “I’m not running for governor. I’m not running for reelection to Senate.”3 I wonder what he will do next, especially since he seems pretty opposed to Donald Trump.




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