Thursday, March 26, 2020


 From Charlie:

I'm wondering whether people think this controversial opinion will hurt Trump in the upcoming election. I personally know Trump supporters who were extremely alienated by this comment. I'm wondering if "getting back to work by Easter" will have an effect on Trump's core voter base. Additionally, Trump commented that it is possible that more people will die from losing jobs and not going to work than from the disease itself. Is this a plausible statement given that we have no idea how long it will take to get this pandemic resolved? Additionally, I thought Governor Cuomo made a powerful point that, "No American is going to say 'accelerate the economy at the cost of human life.'" While I generally agree with this point, I have to wonder: Don't policy makers do these cost-benefit calculations all the time? For example, the speed limit of a road has a direct effect on the number of people who die. That does not mean that the government should make every road have a 10 mph speed limit. I guess what I'm saying is that most policy decisions boil down to life and death issues. My general question is: is there any validity to what Trump is proposing, or is he just saying this because he needs a strong economy in order to get reelected?

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