Sunday, March 29, 2020

Louisiana's Democratic Governor?

Since Louisiana's Governor John Bel Edwards has been in the news lately, I recently noticed that he's a Democrat. I'm not too familiar with Louisiana politics so I was wondering if anyone who knows more about the topic could shine some light on how a Democrat defeated a Trump-backed, RNC-backed candidate in a state that voted for Trump by 20 points in 2016. From what I can tell, Gov. Edwards had some typical Southern conservative traits that the national Democratic Party has moved away from (for example, pro-life, pro-gun rights). But he also benefited from high African-American voter turnout as a Democrat.

Amid the coronavirus crisis, Trump is lashing out at governors who he doesn't like, potentially putting residents of those states at risk if they can't obtain the necessary PPE and ventilators. Will Louisiana receive less federal support because the state has a Democratic governor instead of a Trump-backed one? Louisiana (especially New Orleans) will likely need equipment and funding very soon, and according to Gov. Edwards:
“We haven’t yet been approved for ventilators out of the national stockpile,” he said. “I continue to press that case. I hope we will be cut in for a slice of what they have there.”

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